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Safety for our Requesters

Whether you're requesting for a service anywhere, be it in the morning, noon, dusk, evening or night, trust us - we got you when it comes to safeness.


Eased, anytime you request

Emergency button

Emergency assistance is an in-app feature where you can silently reach out to emergency response group which discloses your location and details.

24/7 Support

We are committed to make you comfortable that's why our expert support team is available 24/7. You can always reach out to them in our app.

Identity Verification

During registration, all our renderers passes through real time verification like facial, documents and verbal test. They become visible to render services once verified.

Real-time recognition

All our renderers are occassionally asked to prove their identity to ensure that their previous facial identification matches.

Tracking Request

We track and record every single request that occurs on our platform be it in the day or night.

Safety features

We have made our safety tools on our platform to be easily accesible when you request for a service.

Two-way rating

It gives us the result of the renderer's work and if this is continously low, we may be forced to ban the renderer from using Questunit immediately to protect our community.


Your personal details like phone number, mail and others details is what we keep private on our platform. So when you text, your number is hidden.

Share my request

You can set up and notify your loved ones by sharing your request details which includes the name and picture of the renderer.


Headpoints to stay safer

  • Do's and Don't
  • Please use the comment or message section to inform your renderer of the do's and don't of your request before arriving.

  • Picture and Pin verification
  • Ensure the face of the renderer matches what is on their profile and ask who they're here for. Once the picture matches the face of the renderer, verify the pin on their device with yours before proceeding. Cancel request if the pin doesn't match.

  • Trust your instinct
  • And should there be any doubt in your mind concerning the renderer, politely let the requester know and cancel the request immediately.


  • Notify family and friends
  • If the renderer is closeby and you're alone, please manually notify your family member or a friend with the service you requested, name of the renderer and if possible the picture too or use the share button in the app.

  • Respect and kindness
  • Always treat your renderer with respect and kindness. Your renderer may be allergic to some certain things like smoke from cigarette to avoid having health crisis or other things like pets and if you have one around, please notify them.

  • Safety tools
  • Incase if any incident occurs; be it an accident or health crisis, tap the saftey icon and reach out to emergency contact immediately on the app or reach out to your friend or family.

  • Conflict handling
  • When conflict between you and your requester arises, be mindful of your body languages, do your best to remain calm and keep your voice low then importantly avoid physcial and verbal confrontations.


  • Star Rating
  • Remember to rate your renderer with sincerity to help us filter our community for good. Continous low ratings may only push us to temporarily ban the renderer from the app for two weeks and if temporarily banned more than twice leads to permanent ban.

  • Feedback
  • We take feedbacks seriously so right after the rating, your feedback which is below in the app, tends to help us expand our imagination of your experience as this will help us take appropriate action and improve where it is needed.

  • Recheck for forgotten item
  • Once your renderer is done rendering you a service, carefully and thoroughly check if there is any forgotten item. If you find one, please out of kindness, do reach out to your renderer quickly through our in-app chat and invite them back for their forgotten item but if it is after 24 hours, endeavour to reach out to us via email or visit our support page.


    Get the

    Download our mobile app to find renderers around you. Available on Playstore and App store.



    Reach out for help
    stay safe

    If there's an emergency in progress, please endeavour to contact local emeregency services or law enforcement authorities for immediate assistance editable and built into the app. For other issues, we're always available 24/7 to help you out.